The Pathway 2 Success Curriculum is a complete set of social emotional learning lessons designed for kindergarten, grade 1, and grade 2 learners. It provides daily lessons and activities to teach SEL skills throughout the entire school year.
What is Social Emotional Learning?
Social emotional learning is the process we use to help children and young adults acquire necessary skills for success. Ultimately, SEL skills are the foundation for everything else. They allow children to develop confidence, build friendships, work well with peers, get organized, and problem-solve through challenges. If we want children to thrive personally, socially, and academically, it is important to give them the skills, tools, and supports to get there.
Which Skills Are Included?
This complete curriculum targets the five core domains of social-emotional learning. This includes self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationships, and decision-making. These are each broken into their own complete units.
Unit 1: Self-Awareness
- Learning who I am
- Building confidence
- Understanding emotions
- Learning positive thinking
- Embracing a growth mindset
- Practicing mindfulness
- Considering dreams for the future

Unit 2: Self-Management
- My behavior and choices
- Calming strategies
- Using self-control
- Managing emotions
- Developing work habits
- Staying organized
- Learning to persevere
Unit 3: Social Awareness
- Learning social expectations
- Sharing ideas
- Using a social filter
- Being a social detective
- Developing empathy
- Showing respect
- Showing kindness

Unit 4: Relationship Skills
- Understanding relationships
- Building community
- Developing friendships
- Talking with others
- Getting along with others
- Teamwork
- Conflict resolution skills
Unit 5: Decision-Making
- Understanding my brain
- Making choices
- Good decisions
- Being responsible
- Developing integrity
- Problem-solving
- Learning from choices

Research-Based Best Practices
The lessons and activities utilize research-based best practices for SEL instruction and primary instruction. They include:
- Sequenced instruction of social-emotional skills
- Active and varied activities
- Focused and intentional SEL strategies and instruction
- Explicit instruction of social-emotional skills
- Clear learning target for each lesson
- Visuals to support instruction
- Embedded movement and motor activities
- Integrated art and music activities
- Questioning to support learning goals
- Home-school communication
- Pre- and post-assessments for units
How Can I Implement These Lessons?
Each week, you will be teaching a new SEL focus (such as emotions or confidence). Every day, you will use the detailed educator lesson plans to guide you through the day’s lesson. Lesson instructions are scripted as a support, though you can always choose to add your own language to make the lesson your own. Lessons are purposefully split up so you can select the best activities for your learners if time is short.
The lessons are intended to be flexible! For example, if task cards are included, you can choose to have students read and discuss in partners OR you can read aloud for a whole class discussion. If a writing prompt is included, you can choose to have your students write OR you can discuss together as a class and model the writing for them. Additionally, plenty of materials are included. You can always choose the activities that best meet the needs of your learners.
If you don’t have daily SEL time, that’s okay! Choose the activities for the week that best meet the needs of your students. For example, for lesson 2, you may choose to complete lessons 2-1, 2-2, and 2-5 if that is what you have time for.
Over 1500 SEL Pages!
This curriculum set includes a huge amount of materials. This is purposeful to make sure you have what you need to teach your students. Examples of activities and resources included are:
- Student activity pages
- Writing prompts
- Cut-and-paste activities
- Task cards
- Discussion cards
- Games
- Poems and songs
- Art activities
- Vocabulary pages and posters
- Lesson plans for every lesson
- Many more!
Get Started!
Get your Social Emotional Learning K-2 Curriculum with complete lessons and activities for the year!