As a special education teacher, my passion, interests, and school experiences have led me to have a unique set of skills that benefit children and young adults. Here are the topics that I pride myself most with:
Executive Functioning Skills

- Executive functioning skills instruction, including: time management, organization, task initiation, self-control, metacognition, and more
- Providing interventions for learners struggling with basic executive functioning skills
- Teaching study skill strategies
- Goal-setting
- Developing executive functioning materials
Social Emotional Learning

- Integrating social emotional learning (SEL) skills into the classroom
- Teaching social skills to whole class and small groups
- Using coping strategies for managing emotions
- Teaching perspective-taking skills
- Encouraging empathy and a positive classroom climate
- Focusing on positive thinking skills
- Creating and designing social emotional learning resources and materials

- Using mindfulness as a self-regulation strategy
- Teaching learners to practice mindfulness to manage emotions
- Practicing fun, interactive, visual, and hands-on mindful strategies
- Teaching mindful breathing and other mindfulness activities
- Developing mindfulness resources and materials
Social Skills

- Identifying social skills challenges
- Explicitly teaching social skills to empower students
- Integrating social skills instruction into every day
- Providing interventions for learners struggling with basic social skills
- See my social skills resources and materials
Behavior Management

- Writing and implementing behavior intervention plans (BIPs)
- Performing functional behavioral assessments (FBAs)
- Teaching strategies for teaching social skills
- Implementing positive behavior management systems
- See my behavior management resources and materials